The U3AC, and its tutors, must comply with the General Data Protection Regulations and for members the area of concern is personal data, i.e. their name, email address and telephone number.
As a tutor, you will be issued with this personal data relating to your class members. This information can only be used to contact class members for reasons relating to the course. It must not be used or divulged for any other reason.
By the beginning of the following academic year, you must securely dispose of all personal data, whether held on paper or electronically.
If you want to communicate by email with the members of your class as a group, you need to ensure each member gets an email that does not show the email addresses of the other class members.
To send a group email:
- Open a new email and put your own email address in the ‘To’ line.
- Put the email addresses of your class members in the line labelled ‘Bcc’ (Blind Carbon Copy).
- Compose the heading and contents of the email in the usual way.
- Send the email, which you and the other addressees should receive.
If you are not clear how to do this, please contact the U3AC Office for advice.
You will find more information about complying with the Data Protection Regulations, e.g. for fitness classes, in the Tutor Support Handbook.