Course selection

The courses are described in the printed Programme and in the Course List on the main menu. The description includes details of the course venue and any course fees.

Please log in to the members’ area and select your courses online if at all possible, as this significantly reduces the administrative work in the Office.

If you are applying later for a vacant place on a course, please contact the Office.


Click to view the current Programme

Online application

  1. Click ‘Make payment’ to pay the new member enrolment fee (if applicable) and the annual subscription using your credit card or debit card. Once payment has been made you can apply for courses.
  2. Select the courses you want to apply for. You can choose a maximum of 6:
    • Make sure their times do not clash.
    • If two are on the same day, ensure that you have time to get from one to the next.
  3. Rank your courses in order of preference.
  4. Enter your first-choice course at the top of the list. Then enter the other courses in order of preference below. You can change the order of preference by dragging the courses you have selected up and down the list.
  5. If you wish, enter an alternative course in the right-hand column. The alternative should be either:
    • similar to the course in the first column, and you don’t mind which one you attend, or
    • at the same time as the course in the first column.
  6. Click the ‘Submit course choices’ button.
  7. If there is an additional fee for any of your chosen courses you will be directed to the payment screen again to make payment.

Paper application

If you are joining U3AC for the first time, you will need a copy of the New member registration and course application form.
If you are already a U3AC member, you will need a Membership renewal and course application form. This is sent out to you with the Programme. Contact the office if you would like additional copies.

  1. Complete your personal details (if you are already a member your details will be filled in).
  2. From the Programme, select the courses you want to apply for. You can choose a maximum of 6:
    • Make sure their times do not clash.
    • If two are on the same day, ensure that you have time to get from one to the next.
  3. Enter the courses in the left-hand column of the form in order of priority – put the one you want most as number 1.
  4. If you wish, enter an alternative course in the right-hand column. The alternative should be either:
    • similar to the course in the first column, and you don’t mind which one you attend, or
    • at the same time as the course in the first column.
  5. Either
    • send or take the completed form to the Office and pay by bank transfer (the bank details are on the back of the form) preferably by 1 August
    • take the completed form into the Office in person and pay by credit card or debit card.