Eine Art Stammtisch (GER 04)

  • Day and time: Wednesday 11:45 - 12:45
  • Length of course: 3 terms. Autumn (10 Weeks), Spring (10 Weeks), Summer (8 Weeks)
  • Number of places: 12
  • Start date: 09 October 2024
  • Description:

    This is a continuing course for intermediate-plus students. Some people have sat round our Stammtisch for years but new members are very welcome. I will be leading the group for the first two terms. In the Summer term we will be more flexible and group members will take turns in leading. Jede Woche sprechen wir miteinander auf Deutsch, teilweise mit Partnern/innen, und diskutieren vorbereitete Themen. Wir werden auch Geschichten lesen und zum Teil übersetzen. Manchmal studieren wir sogar Grammatik. Hauptsache ist dass wir Spaß haben!

  • Format: Taught course or activity
  • Level: Level: High intermediate

  • Leader: Julia Davison
  • I have always loved speaking German and learning about Germany since schooldays, a degree and a teaching career.

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